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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products

Podcast Episode 18: Dana Lawson, VP Engineering at GitHub

02. September 2019

Dana explains in this episode how the US Military brought her into tech, what the definition of a VP Engineering is and how GitHub prioritizes feature requests by it’s paying and non paying customers.

About the podcast
Digitale Leute Insights is the podcast for passionate product people. We interview product developers from around the world and take a closer look at their tools and tactics.
Host: Oliver Thylmann

In this episode, you will learn:

LinkedIn: Dana Lawson

About the Host:
Oliver is a serial entrepreneur based in Cologne, Germany. He is the co-founder of Giant Swarm, a 30-person SaaS company providing managed microservice infrastructure to big enterprises.

Find all our Podcast Episodes here.

GitHub, San Francisco, Dachterasse
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