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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products

Design Critique: How we discuss design with critique at XING

DAY 1 | 10:30-11:00

Establishing a regular Design Critique is one cornerstone in the „UX Playbook“ at Xing. Over the last year, Jan has created a company-wide format, where they discuss design in a professional setting with the constant will to be excellent.

In his presentation, Jan presents the methodology of design critique and the goal-oriented discussion in the entire design process: How can designers avoid feeling quickly emotionally attacked? Why do we need design critique for this? When is feedback necessary and helpful – and how do you establish an effective design discussion culture in teams and companies? Jan will also share his learnings on how to adapt this methodology to the corona crisis.


Jan Kiekeben

Senior Product Designer at XING.

Jan started his career as a problem solver for international projects and publishing houses around the globe. With his keen interest in every aspect of product design, such as human factors, research, innovative interaction design, and strategy, he is currently a Senior Product Designer at XING, helping people grow and foster professional business contacts.