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Digitale Leute – Build Better Products


Stop to diss ability — the web is designed for all

Conference Stage 1

Many companies provide teams with a Product, UX, Dev, BI, and SEO role, but accessibility is often something no one wants to take responsibility for and add to their profession. Too complicated and too time intensive. But is this reflecting the reality and future of sustainable and valuable digital products? Let’s analyse what (dis)ability means in the digital context, how accessibility can lift your company’s revenue, and why you should mark June, 28th 2025 in your calendar.


Madita Schubert

UX Consultant and Coach.

Madita is a freelance UX Consultant and Coach that empowers UX people to identify and unfold their full UX potential. She supports them in building sustainable, user-centred products together with their teams. With a strong focus on Accessibility, she always follows her main principle to create a more equal and sustainable future – not just for digital products. For over 10 years she has worked for several agencies and product companies and strongly believes in the power of learning by mistakes.
