1 week to go: Here’s our UX/Design Track — All speakers, all topics!

This year, we are pleased to welcome top UX/Design experts from some of the most well-known tech companies. Gain insights from Delivery Hero, FullStory, Thoughtworks and more.

Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of Germany’s leading conference at the intersection of Engineering, UX/Design & Product — join us on November 8th!

Talk: Collaborating with designers towards impactful outcomes — insights & perspective to support PM and engineering collaboration with designers

In design leadership, Sara regularly encounters questions, situations and mixed expectations related to effective design collaboration from product managers, researchers, engineers and naturally, designers themselves. Given that design is in the “messy middle” between product discovery and a developed solution, and that team members may come from a variety of backgrounds shaping their expectations, it’s no surprise the role of design can get lost in translation.

The most effective products are designed with intention. Sara will create awareness around honest observations and pain points as well as practical approaches towards creating more impactful solutions together that are applicable to a variety of environments (start-ups, scale-ups, agencies and mature tech orgs).

Talk: Building Trust in Saas Products

Gaining the trust of your users is the key to building ongoing relationships in SaaS. However, too often products fail to recognize that this trust is earned incrementally. They ask for too much too soon — or for more than what’s absolutely necessary — eroding trust in the process. This presentation will focus on strategies to evaluate how trust is earned in SaaS products, as well as practical considerations to establish and grow trust by meeting users where they are in the process.

Key Takeaways:

Talk: How to shift from a human-centred design to a planet-centred one?

As the full extent of the climate crisis becomes more tangible, designing for sustainability has become a battle cry. There is talk of going from human-centred to planet-centric design. At the same time, we are still very selective with who gets access to most products, information and services. If we direct our attention away from this challenge and onto the larger scope of designing for all life on the planet, will it get lost? In this talk, we will look at how to set up a strategy and which tactics and methods to use to ensure both challenges become enough (head) space and solutions.

Talk: Search UX: achieving the right information at speed

The average time users spend on websites varies from 15 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the target group. This is true for both the B2B and B2C sectors. Visitors use search to navigate to the desired information. Companies benefit, in terms of short dwell times, from an optimal Search UX. What exactly does Search UX optimization entail — where does AI come into play and what exactly characterizes a good user experience in that case?

A positive Search UX requires an intelligent search logic as well as an appealing design to enable a clear presentation of the search results. But how exactly does one achieve this? Autocomplete, auto-suggest and recommendations, as well as flexible categories and filters are just some of the factors that contribute to a positive Search UX. A successful Search UX can not only improve the quality of advice, but also increase customer satisfaction.

Panel: UX for XR – The Challenge of Designing Immersive Usability Experiences

Designing successful user experiences for Extended Reality is very different from traditional UX design, as perception is not bound to the dimensions of a screen, but spatial depth can be directly experienced visually and acoustically. Avoiding motion sickness and creating physical comfort for the user is the basis of any successful experience, but navigation using controllers or hands must also be intuitive to learn. This basic ABC of UX forms the basis of advanced experience design, which focuses the user’s attention, evokes emotions and creates efficient and meaningful learning experiences.

The challenges and complexities of UX design are as great as the will to find unusual solutions. Public funding can be applied for their development.

Moderated by creative industries expert Jan-Paul Laarmann, this panel will discuss with UX experts from the XR companies how experiences need to be designed to achieve high user acceptance. Dr. Dorit Meyer will explain how UX for XR can be supported by funding programmes.

You do not only want to listen to our top-notch speakers on how to build better digital products but also learn from our experts in a full-day workshop on a number of different topics, such as…

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